The Economic and Social Council participates in the Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils


The Secretary-General of the Economic and Social Council, Dr. Mitri Mdanat, participated in the Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions entitled “Covid-19: The Role of Civil Society in Rebuilding the Euro-Mediterranean Region and Strengthening Its Resilience”, jointly organized by the European Economic and Social Committee with the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of Morocco.

Mdanat said that this summit takes place at a critical time for many Eastern Mediterranean countries due to the challenges they face due to the Corona pandemic. Mdanat also stressed the importance of the joint-collaboration to develop a capable strategy and vision to face the challenges, promote economic growth, and strengthen social protection in the region.

The secretary-general noted out the importance of renewing the partnership between the European Union and the Eastern Mediterranean countries in promoting investments, especially in the digital transformation sector, sustainable growth, and the labor market.

Madanat indicated that Jordan has taken several measures to confront the Corona pandemic, and clarified that these measures included providing help and support to the most affected sectors and groups in the society, as a result of the pandemic.

The summit aimed to discuss ways to mitigate the impact of the crisis, and economic and social reconstruction, in addition to the various opportunities revealed by the (Covid-19) pandemic, in addition to promoting sustainable development in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

It is reported that this summit will provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and debate on the role of civil society bodies, the contribution of digitization, and the prospects of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, in order to improve resilience and achieve a successful post-Covid recovery in the region.