
The Economic and Social Council (ESC) was decreed in 23 October 2007 and was established on 7 July 2009 with the objective of acting as an advisory body to the Jordanian Government on economic and social issues and policies.

Upon request or at its own initiative, the ESC has the mandate to advise the executive body with regards to social and economic policies. The ESC is comprised of experts from industry and academia, and so is able to draw on considerable experience in these areas. The ESC works to promote social dialogue on matters that concern Jordanian citizens, such as; income distribution, unemployment, poverty, and education.


Vision :

Forming a national framework for dialogue and building consensus among social partners, through the participation of representatives from professional institutions and expertise in reviewing and evaluating legislations and policies  


Mission :

Institutionalizing the participation of all stakeholders in reaching consensual views regarding policies and legislations, to be considered within the policy making process, to achieve balanced and sustainable social and economic development  


Values :

  • Instilling a tradition of dialogue and building economic and social consensus.

  • Credibility, transparency and professionalism in addressing topics.

  • Respect for others’ opinions and allowing them to express it freely and objectively. 

  • Enhancing the concept of a partnership and collaboration between the public and the private sector and civil society institutions. 

  • Adopting and launching initiatives in thinking about, analyzing and designing policies and their implementation mechanisms.