Former Presidents

Dr. Munther Al-Share’: 6/1/2014 - 2/2/2017

Dr. Munther Share’ is a former Minister of Water and Irrigation and former Minster of Political and Parliamentary Affairs in Jordan. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Wales in the UK. He was a member of the Council for the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions, its acting president, and a consultant to several World Bank projects. He has served as consultant in various projects with the Economic and Social Commission for West Asian Nations (ESCWA) Beirut / Lebanon. He was a faculty member at several universities and was vice-president of the Hashemite University and a member of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Economics Department at Yarmouk University. He is a member of the Arab Economic Research Society in Cairo and a former Chairman of its board. Dr. Al-Share’ currently works as a researcher and economist and has many published studies and researches.

Dr. Jawad Al-Anani: 26/5/2012 - 25/10/2013

Dr. Jawad Al Anani, is a former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs in Jordan. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Georgia in the United States in 1975. He holds a master's degree in Economics from Vanderbilt University, in Tennessee, USA, in 1970.  He holds a bachelor's degree from the American University in Cairo in 1967. Dr. Jawad Al-Anani held the following positions: Minister of Supply (1979-1980), Minister of Labor from (1980-1984), Minister of Industry and Commerce and Minister of Tourism (1984), Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs and Minister of State for Media Affairs (1993-1995), Deputy Prime Minister for Development Affairs (1997-1998) and was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1998. He also served as Chief of the Royal Hashemite Court and a member of the Senate; for more than one tenure. Dr. Al-Anani heads the board of directors of The Amman Stock Exchange. Dr. Al-Anani has many Economic publications. 

Mr. Wasef Azar: 8/6 / 2011-25 / 10/2011

Mr. Wasef Azar is a former Minister of Industry and Trade in Jordan. He holds a Master's degree in Development Management from the American University of Beirut. He holds a higher education degree in Economics and Statistics from the University of Iowa in the United States of America and a Bachelor’s in Law from Damascus University. Mr. Azar held the following positions: General Manager of the Jordan Ahli Bank, CEO of Phosphate Mines Company, Director General of Jordan Investment Corporation, Director General of the Department of Statistics and Population Census. He has previous membership in boards of directors of public institutions and private companies. He is a former member of the Senate.

Mr. Abdelillah Al Khatib: 2/6 / 2009-25 / 11/2010

Mr. Abdelillah Al Khatib is a former Minister of Foreign Affairs in Jordan. He holds a Master'sin International Economics from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and a Master’s in International Communications from the American University in Washington. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the Higher College of Political Science in Athens, Greece. Mr. Al Khatib held the following positions: Minister of Tourism and Antiquities (1995 -1996), Managing Director of Jordan Cement Factories from (1996-1998), Minister of Foreign Affairs (1998-2002) and in (2005-2007). Additionally, he supervised the peace talks between the Arabs and Israel, at the Embassy of Jordan in Washington DC in the 1990s. He was appointed as the UN special envoy to resolve the conflict in Libya. Additionally, he chaired the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature and the Board of Directors of the Cement Company. He was also a former member of the Senate and head of the Freedoms and Citizens' Rights Committee. Mr. Al Khatib currently chairs the Board of Directors of the Housing Bank for Trade and Finance, in addition to the Jordan Strategy Forum.